Friday 26 March 2010

Those Voices

This is my film that I made on my film studies course. It was very interesting and hard to make.

Thursday 25 March 2010


This is another photo taken from my film "Those Voices" in this photo I am getting revenge on the person who punched me in the last photo.

Knock out

This photo is taken from a scene in my film where I get knock out trying to save someone from being mugged. This scene was really funny to do. My film is called Those Voices check it out on you tube

A bit of Fun

This photo was taken next the bummer cars in the Namco arcade in south bank. This was a really fun day out I really enjoyed myself.

What a Joke

This photo was also taken on the south bank.This photo was really funny because the performer stayed dead still until I stood next to him to take a photo, then he he hit me in the head with a Plastic bat.

Silver man

This photo was taken on the south bank next to the themes. They have people who are dressed up in customs down their and they will perform and take pictures with you for a small amount of money.

A Laugh and a Joke

This photo was taken after my film studies class had a master class with Patrick Stuart from Star Trek. I call this photo a laugh and a joke because meeting Patrick Stuart made us very nervous,so after he left we where able to relax and have a laugh.

media studies

This photo is taken with my media class on are class trip. We where waiting outside in the cold to get on the set of "Lose Women" when we decided to take this photo.

Wednesday 24 March 2010


I call this photo balling which means rich because I have a hand full of money. The money is not actually real it is just a prop from a film that I was making last years .


This is the medal that I was given when my team Kennington top cats won the CVL league. I was happy to receive it because it was my first time winning a medal for anything. I did not really play a big part in the championship campaign but I was still given the medal because a played a part in three games.

Kennington topcats

This photo is of me with my former basketball team Kennington top cats. This photo was taken the day that we won the championship. That day was the last time that I played basketball for a team again. A few month after this game I decided to quit playing basketball and focus more on my school work. This photo has become one of my greatest memories of playing basketball.

I know that I am stupid

I call this photo I know that I am stupid because Charlotte in the photo knew that Ann-Marie was holding a sign that says that I am with stupid and she try and move away.

Friday 19 March 2010

Your stupid

This photo was a bit of a flop because you cannnot see the person in the car so I guess I am the one who stupid.

Adams Stupid

I like to call this photo Adams stupid simple because Adams stupid. This photo was taken just outside of college by me. The guy in the photo was a willing participant who was all to willing to hold the sign.

Thursday 18 March 2010

I'm with stupid

ONCE I took one of these photo a veiw people wanted to participate in my project. funny enough the guy in the photo is also called Marlon.

Me and stupid 2

This another photo I took in my form class with another one of my unexpecting victums. This photo is taken with Jamal Ramsey.

Me and stupid

I called these two photo's me and studpid I went around college with a sign that said "I am with stupid".To come up with this photo idea I have to thank Iky and Mr Jones from my media class. This photo was taken in my form class.The funny thing about taking these photo is that the people in them did not suspect a thing.

Sunday 7 March 2010


This photo was taken inside of the empire cinema in Lester square. The silly little hand jester that i am doing is suppose to mean south London even though the S is the wrong way around.

Media class

Me and my media had such a good time on this trip we decided that we were all going to take lots and lots of pictures around the studio and outside of it.


This photo was taken outside of the set of loose women, I thought that it would be interesting to take a photo in from of the display of hands.


This is outside the ITV studio in waterloo, this was really a grate day out.I really hate this picture though, Look at my eyes they all closed and everything it was windy.

In da Money

This is some of money that I hope that my production company is going to make from are film. I hope that my production company becomes a very successful within the media industry.


I do business and film studies in college and I am planning to study them in University. In the future I plan to start up my own production company, this the logo I plan to use for it. If anyone is wondering what eMdeezy means , it is just my initials spelt out Marlon Daniel Curniffe.

Loose women

Me on my media class got to go on the live set of Loose Women, we got to actually see how much hard work and dedication goes in to make a live TV show. I found this hole experience so exciting, I was not familiar with this show before but I found it so interesting.

Jamie Rickers

This is Jamie Rickers he is best known as the co-presenter of GMTV's Toonattik and Action Stations! alongside Anna Williamson. I am not going to lie I did not actually know who this person was, it was one guy in my media class who actually recognised him. Jamie Rickers was actually quite a nice guy, he was very friendly.

Dev Patel

Danny Boyle told us that he found it hard to find actors in India to play Jamal K. Malik. He said that most male actors in India, spend a lot of time in the gym so they were all too muscler to play the role. It was actually his daughter that came up with the idea of getting British actor Dev Patelto do it after watching him in a episode of skins.

Marlon Curniffe meets Danny Boyle

Meeting Danny Boyle was a grate experience, meeting some who made such a grate film was terrific. A few select schools and colleges including St Charles College was allowed to watch Slum Dog Millionaire a month before it was due to premier in the cinemas.After the film was shown to we had a Q&A with Danny Boyle where we was able to ask him questions about the film. He told us that he was given a 14 million pound budget to make the film, but he only spent 13 million. He jokingly said to us that he does not actually know what happened to the other million ponds.

Saturday 6 March 2010

Danny Boyle

Me and three other people in my Film studies class got invited to meet the Directer of Slum dog Millionaire Danny Boyle.

Vulcan salute

This photo was taken with my film studies class outside of the empire cinema in Lester square.As you can see by looking at this photo I am doing was doing a silly little pose, trying to do the Vulcan salute.

Patrick Stewart

Meeting Patrick Stewart was a grate experience, It was both fun and educational. t was an amazing experience meeting him and learning from his paste. I could not believe that I was able to meet such a prolific actor and also have him take time to talk to me and answer all of my questions it was an amazing experience.

Moment of fame

This was a really a fun day out we got to meet Patrick Stewart from star trek. Also some people from my Film studies class got to appear on Television